New website for Green Jungle Resort
The whole world is in a dire state right now due to the pandemic and we have been continuously sharing COVID news from Nepal for the past few months. We skip the usual news and would like share that the website which we had been working during this lockdown for Green Jungle Resort has been created and launched too.
We at Temple Tiger took this hard time as a challenge and have been working on several aspects of the business during this time. We are open with skeleton staff for the past month, engaging ourselves on social media, being active on philanthropy works, deep cleaning our resort, conservation work, planted around 50 trees around the resort and now here we are with our website for the resort.
The website is live right now and still needs few tweaking here and there, nevertheless we wanted to share this news with our well-wishers/subscribers in order for you to have the first look right away. We are still working on the site and some contents are still being updated if you do see some links not working, then note we are working on it. If you have some feedback we will be very glad to incorporate the same.