Freedom and chain free – A success story

We are thrilled to share that all of our hard work has paid off - Green Jungle Resort has successfully implemented a chain-free environment for our beloved elephants. Our elephants are now able to roam free, play, and live in the best possible health, both physically and mentally. It's truly heartening to see the positive changes in their behavior since becoming chain-free, particularly in terms of their mental well-being. Our elephants are now happier and healthier than ever, and we couldn't be more proud.


We have dedicated ourselves to the mission of making our elephants chain-free for the past few years, and we are delighted to announce that our tireless efforts have finally borne fruit. This has been an incredibly energizing process for us, and we are thrilled to see the positive outcomes of our hard work. In addition to being chain-free, we have also built a large shed for our elephants, which provides them with a place to escape the scorching sun of Chitwan and cool down in the water hole. Our elephants now have ample space to engage in their natural behaviors, such as bathing, playing, exploring, socializing, sleeping, and dusting. All of our elephants, including the young Ramprasad who is approaching his fifth year, stay in one group. Ramprasad has been free from chains and has enjoyed an open and unrestricted life since his birth..


Our hattisar, or elephant stable, is situated on approximately 1-1.5 acres of land, providing ample vegetation and space for all of our elephants. To ensure their safety, we have surrounded the site with a sturdy metal fence, which our elephants have shown great respect for, staying within its boundaries and out of trouble. While electric and solar fences have been used in some areas throughout the district, we have chosen to use a metal fence for our elephants. This is partly due to the discipline and resilience our elephants have demonstrated, which has allowed us to keep them inside the fence without issue. Additionally, we have concerns about the psychological harm that electric fences can cause to elephants. We've observed some elephants avoiding vines in the forest and disregarding the instructions of their mahouts to take an alternate route simply to avoid vines that resemble wires used in electric fences. This can lead to a loss of trust in their mahouts and a skittishness around all humans.

During the initial phase of fencing, we had staff monitoring the elephants' behavior throughout the night. However, we now have complete trust in our elephants and do not need to monitor them as closely. That being said, there is still some risk to our elephants from wild elephants, particularly during the rutting season. Although our resort and hattisar are located in the buffer zone of the Chitwan National Park, and it's less likely for males to travel that far, we still recognize the potential danger and are exploring alternative methods of a deterrent to put in place before the upcoming rutting season. The safety and well-being of our elephants is our top priority.


Overall, the approach to making our elephants chain-free has been a pleasant experience, and our elephants have embraced it with joy. We have observed gradual improvements in their interpersonal relationships with each other, their mental health, and their relationship with their mahouts. They seem to be far happier than before, and the results are self-evident. However, we are still aware that there are some people who chain their elephants, and we are continually striving to set an example and demonstrate the positive outcomes of our approach. We have reached out to many of them and offered our assistance and expertise whenever necessary. We understand that we have a long way to go before all elephants are chain-free, but we are taking it one step at a time. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported us in this noble cause, and we welcome anyone who wishes to be a part of our efforts in the future.

Please let us know if you are interested in joining the cause, as we would be delighted to have you on board.


We will be there to welcome you at the airport - Very soon !


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