A short video of our chain-free elephants
After years of hard work, we have finally been able to make our elephants chain-free and keep them in an electric fence-free shed. Within the last few years, we have perfected our electric fence-free hattisar (stable for elephants) and guided our elephants to respect the boundaries fenced with metal fences. We are still working on other improvements on the hattisar but for now, we are immensely proud of our achievements and it has stood as an example for other elephant keepers in our area. Our hattisar shed has ample space for them to walk around inside when unsupervised and has enough space for them to stretch their legs outside when supervised. We have also started our groundwork for them to have a shower on the premises, which will be completed in months to come. With the help of our mahouts and the shed, now our elephants are chain-free 24/7 and will not have any chains on their ankles in their lives, ever. And that’s huge if you ask us.
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